Childcare and Preschool


The type of quality care a child receives early on can often determine the difference between a healthy start at school or falling behind.

In our childcare and preschool program, we blend various aspects of different learning styles to curate a curriculum that is tailored to each child - we understand that when it comes to education, it’s not ‘one size style fits all’.

Our child-led approach to learning encourages curiosity and allows the child to freely explore what he or she is interested in. Children learn most effectively when they are given choices. They think with creativity. because what really matters at the end of the day is the child enjoying what he or she is learning at school. Our program is unlike any other. We proactively work with kids in helping them shape their growth mindset. Kids need to learn necessary skills like resilience when their blocks are tumbling down and to solve problems when they are exploring different ways to build blocks.

Here are some skills that children will learn at Brilliant kids:

  • Science and discovery

  • Yoga and stretching

  • Compassionate listening

  • Social emotional learning

  • Creativity and self expression

  • Health and nutrition

  • Math through sensory and counting

As early childhood educators, it is our duty to provide children the opportunity to believe in themselves, to feel safe in self- expression, to have the room to feel heard and loved, and to give them a space to enjoy healthy and nutritious meals.

Here at Brilliant Kids, children are taught ways to build resilience so that they can cultivate a growth mindset. Changing their CAN’T into CAN! It is not just important for adults to build resilience but for children as well. 

We strive toward helping children develop a strong foundation in healthy eating. One way we achieve this is by inviting children to partake in decision-making – letting them decide what they’d like to eat or try out next on the food menu. They also have the opportunity to help prepare their own meals – like dicing their own zucchini. Our dishes are influenced by multiple cultural backgrounds, mostly utilizing organic ingredients like milk and fresh produce.


What did you we do differently?

In addition to weekly field trips to the library and other seasonal trips to places like the pumpkin patch, we have developed a program that gives children the opportunity to believe in themselves and, feel safe in expressing themselves, whilst enjoying healthy and nutritious food.

Brilliant Kids is a place for families to get to know and connect with each other – when your child is part of Brilliant Kids, you become part of our family too! Even parents whose children have graduated years ago continue to keep in touch, scheduling playdates and catch-ups on the weekend. Our goal is to create the most memorable childcare and preschool experience for every client while deepening meaningful connections.

Here are some stories of how our work has helped children in their development:



A graduate from Brilliant Kids took her Chinese placement test and received a full score. Her parents don’t even speak Chinese, but we do in our program does. – even the assessor was taken by surprise that she scored this high. She has been with us for 4 years, starting with our program when she was just 6- months old!



We once had a 2 ½ year old girl who cried every day for months because of separation anxiety. We would give her space and some time for her to cry it out, then she would come back and re-join the group. After helping her develop techniques and emotional coping strategies, her anxiety from being away from her family vanished she now comes to school each day with a smile on her face.



Every year, we throw a graduation party for our kids. Last year, each child was given an opportunity to speak in front of a large audience. Children from the ages of 3 to 5 got to speak about what they want to become when they grew up, and what they enjoyed about being at school here. As much as it was a challenge for the kids to overcome their nerves, they all did exceptionally well – much to the overwhelming joy of their parents. were overwhelmed with joy.

Another big event that we host is our Brilliant Kids annual Christmas holiday show. For months, we rehearse with the children in preparation for the show. The children dress up in costumes, sing and dance in front of their families! This is another great opportunity for kids to showcase and explore their talents.